Martin’s daughter, Stefani Twyford, manages his photography estate. She is happy to answer an inquiries into purchases, comments about his work or provide any other information you might be seeking. Please feel free to contact her below.
Blog Posts
2nd Street and 2nd Ave Snowstorm -1948
The iconic city of New York bundled up in a blanket of snow, a reminder of a simpler time. This vintage photograph shot by Martin in 1948, takes us on a journey through the bustling streets, now quiet and still.
Why I Take Pictures
I watch a flag whip in the wind on a metal pole. My pleasure is sensuous – the sun is shining and the morning air is clear and crisp in
Cooling Off During a Heat Wave
We hope everyone had a great 4th of July break. Now back to our regularly scheduled summertime programming! With temperatures at record highs around the world, here’s a throwback photograph